Friends Giving Foundation
Friends Giving Foundation

What We Do
What We Do
The Friends Giving Foundation is dedicated to bringing our community together to help those in need.
We accomplish this by accepting donations of household items from the community, hosting a charity event that is held twice a year and donating a large portion of the proceeds to a local established charity organization. We need your help in keeping our local outreach programs healthy and active.
Our Services
Our Services
God has created this community outreach to bring his children together to help one another.
God has created this community outreach to bring his children together to help one another.

Garage Sales
Garage Sales
The Friends Giving Foundation collects donations from the community throughout the year. These donations are sold in a community yard sale. A large portion of the sales go to a charity organization in need.
Community Clothes Closet
Community Clothes Closet
We provide clothes to anyone in need, throughout the year, This includes jackets, coats and shoes. Provided we have them. The clothes are distributed by appointment.

Providing for God's Children
Providing for God's Children

Eggs are provided to the local soup kitchen and other various food pantries.
Eggs are provided to the local soup kitchen and other various food pantries.

Housewares are available to those that have had an unfortunate situation occur in their lives.
Housewares are available to those that have had an unfortunate situation occur in their lives.

Sharing our home with those in need. Allowing the less fortunate to have a safe home to rebuild their lives and be fed the word of God to renew their spirits.
Sharing our home with those in need. Allowing the less fortunate to have a safe home to rebuild their lives and be fed the word of God to renew their spirits.
Meet Jacob a homeless teen we helped to return to his mother!!
18 and far from home

Blessings from those we have helped
Blessings from those we have helped
Because of the Friends Giving Foundation we are able to serve and provide under-served citizens in the community with special activities, food, showers, and more. As you know we rely on the generosity of donors such as you and are grateful for your gracious support.
Karen Bray
Executive Director
Grand Central Station
The Dining Car

To make an appointment for pick up/drop off of any donations please call or send email:
To make an appointment for pick up/drop off of any donations please call or send email:
Donations can be dropped off by appointment to:
Donations can be dropped off by appointment to:
11629 FM 1417 Extention
Sherman Tx. 75090