Friends Giving Foundation​
Friends Giving Foundation​

Friends coming together to serve our community
Friends coming together to serve our community

What We do and Why We Do It
What We do and Why We Do It
The Friends Giving Foundation is dedicated to bringing our community together to help those in need. We accomplish this by accepting donations of household items from our community, hosting a charity event that is held twice a year and adopting a local outreach program to donate a large portion of the proceeds to. We also provide free of charge clothing, furniture and other household items to anyone having difficulties in life. We work hard to bring awareness to our local outreach programs and to connect those in need with the proper information to provide them the help they need. ​We are striving to help keep our local outreach programs healthy and active.​

Semi-Annual Charity Sale Starting May 30th through June 12th from daylight to dark everyday
Semi-Annual Charity Sale Starting May 30th through June 12th from daylight to dark everyday

Nonprofit Organization
Nonprofit Organization

Adopting the 4 Rivers Foundation​
We raised $1,000.00
Adopting the 4 Rivers Foundation​
We raised $1,000.00

Adopting the Green House on Houston street
We raised $1,000.00
Adopting the Green House on Houston street
We raised $1,000.00

Adopting the Grayson County
Food Pantry/Shelter
We raised $3,000.00
Adopting the Grayson County
Food Pantry/Shelter
We raised $3,000.00

Adopting Master Key Ministries
we raised $4,500
Adopting Master Key Ministries
we raised $4,500

Adoping Meals on Wheels
we raised $5000.00​​
Adoping Meals on Wheels
we raised $5000.00​​

Adopting Heart of a Matter Ministries
We raised $5000
Adopting Heart of a Matter Ministries
We raised $5000

Take a Look at Our Gallery
Take a Look at Our Gallery

Take a Look at Our Gallery
Take a Look at Our Gallery

To make an appointment for pick up/drop off of any donations please call or send email:
To make an appointment for pick up/drop off of any donations please call or send email:
Donations can be dropped off by appointment to:
Donations can be dropped off by appointment to:
11629 FM 1417 Extention
Sherman Tx. 75090